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Writing can suck

I have to say, I find it difficult to follow traditional writing advice. In particular, the old adage of: "Write what you know" is particularly tough for me. In the next novel for publication, I'm using some events and stories right out of my own childhood (grossly exaggerated, of course!) It works really well, but it's a bitch on my emotions! Even though I know the events are all drawn out of scale, there's just enough kernel of reality in it to set me on the edge of tears. Is that a good sign or a bad one? I honestly don't know . . . but it definitely plays hell with my inner harmony! Luckily, I don't actually have any of that, so I should be fine.

Well, as for progress - I'm hlafway through final edits on the next book. Once that's done is down to formatting for publication (ebooks take some work on that end!) and pushing it out. I'll keep you all posted!


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