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  • JA Coppinger

Reviews, Sales, and Thanks!

It always amazes me there is so much to a book marketing campaign. Every time I do one, I always find another outlet or venue that I hadn't used before. For example: I just found out I have a blog site on Goodreads, that I didn't even know about. Not only that, but apparently I have a bunch of followers there as well . . . who knew???

I wish I could tell you there was a great site for handling all the marketing and I was making a killing on all the sales of my new book but it just ain't that easy. I'm hitting all the regular venues, trying to get folks to review both my novels (hint, hint to all my readers!) Reviews are a very important tool in upping sales for folks like me. Reviews push my books higher on the listings for sites like Amazon and Barnes and Noble, which helps sales, which leads to more reviews, which helps sales . . . y'all catching my point here? :-)

Anyway, I'm trying to build a fan base and I just wanted to say thanks to all the folks out there who are helping get the word out on my work. It really is very much appreciated!



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