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  • J.A. Coppinger

The Gap In My Blog

Now, I'm sure you've all noticed that this blog has been a hit or miss endeavor of late. That seems odd for a professional writer, doesn't it? One would think keeping up a simple page discussing my writing would be no problem for me, yet it obviously has been. I was thinking on that and wondering why I've been struggling when I kept my previous blog running for years with no such problem. Well, I finally came to the realization that I've been trying to use this blog as a marketing tool - a place to peddle my books - instead of talking about myself (which has always been my favorite subject!) Marketing is really not something I enjoy, I start feeling like a used car salesman! Something inside of me resists trying to peddle my stories. I'd much rather just talk a bit about the things that meander through my bizzare little brain. I'll keep you posted on what I'm doing writing wise, of course, but you'll have to struggle through some of my personal neurosis as well (I apologize in advance!) Hopefully, with that as my objective, you'll see more regular posts hereabout.

So, what has been going on? Well, aside form a very busy work schedule, I've managed to finish my next novel and I'm in the final stages of formatting it for publication. Before you ask (assuming anyone would) it's not a Godslayer novel. It's a dark fantasy/horror/murder mystery blend sort of thing. I'm hoping it will be out and ready by mid April at the latest. I'm particularly proud of this book, so I hope a few of you will be on the lookout for it. Other than that, I haven't been actively working on my novels as much as I wish but then, I never do! Work and life always seem to demand more of my time that I ever expect but then, I imagine that's true for all of us. I have been able to do some reading lately, which is nice. I'm a firm believer that all writers must read. I've been working my way through Dean Koontz "Odd Thomas" series, which I'm enjoying quite a bit. The stories are . . . well, odd! What I truly enjoy though is the lead character's internal dialogs. He spends a good amount of time pondering the difficulties and the ethical dillemas of modern life and that interests me a great deal. Those are the sorts of things I spend a lot of time thinking about on my own time. I'm always interested to see someone else's take on subjects that I seem to be the only one concerned with. Nice to know I'm not the only one who ponders esoteric ethical dilemmas for fun. Well, I'm out - I'll see hwat I can do about posting a bit more regularly!


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